jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Enamorada... y asustada... written back on march 2016

Creo que ya olvide como se reacciona ante ciertos estimulos...
querer creer y creer en verdad las palabras que escucho son dos cosas distinta
y ya olvide como se reacciona ante esas palabras que se esperan
que en vez de estar danzando ante la mejor de las noticias,
lo unico que puedo sentir es este miedo absurdo y el frio humedo de mis mejillas empapadas de lagrimas
En vez de tener un millon de palabras para contestar solo guarde silencio
y me deje ganar por este miedo absurdo.
que ahora no me deja ni escribir
y me trae a la mente un millon de situaciones

I started to write this last march... when we started talking, I was so afraid of his words, because all those predators started the same way, then I would be so hurted again and pain because of love is even worst than physical pain... 

Can´t recall how I decided to trust and let my heart open to his words, and nowdays I just apologise with him for those days of silence when he tried to show me his love, when he was giving me his heart...

It is hard to get hurt, but the main idea is to learn, take what is good and leave the rest... if someone is not able to love you, let it go, it is not his fault to be unable to love... you love yourself and find that one that is loving you and looking for you, your perfect half, the one made for you, who doesn´t judge you and is there for you as you are for him, to share happiness and love for ever! 

Sorry... every person talk about the party depending on the experience... my experience taught me that in the party  were many bad dancers. but it was not finished yet and my love was there looking for me to dance and laugh!! 


Thanks Past!!

I can tell 2016 was the best year ever... I found what I always wanted and is definitely awesome to have such joy and pleasure,,, so, 2017 is more that what I expected.

Yes what I found is my husband, I won´t start saying how good or bad he is what he does or he doesn´t because I´m not selling him... 

But the purpose of this post is to say THANKS  to my past... even to the most horribles years. late 2013, entire 2014 and some of 2015... 

Sometimes enjoying the view tasting some coffee, my mind flies to the past and I wish I can delete those terrible moments, that horrible people that hurted me so bad, but one time talking with my husband about how we were before those experiences, we found out that our past was important for us to be who we are, we had to suffer to be better and appreciate our present and work for our future together...

So... Thank you past for being hard and made me a better person, thank you for showing me what is not love, what is not kindness, how I was not loving my self,  but most of all for being past... far from me now when I found happiness and my days are full of tears of joy!! 

Good bye past...
