.... well... when I was 16 or a little less, that show Beverly Hills 90210, with all the super handsome people, was going on every sunday evening... Was I into that? fuck yes... I loved it, that was right before my life was to face reality, or the person that made me grow a hundred years in a couple,,, but this is not about him... is about me watching the BH90210
Seriously viv?... yes, seriously! I'm watching it, feeling a little nostalgic because the caracter that I loved the most is just not there,.... He just wont be there, and that's sad!
what comes to my mind is why they didnt do that redo, or whatever they call it, before, when He was still alive and would, definitely, be great as he did even after the serie ended ...
Actually he was the only one I saw having some success after, on movies and stuff but the rest of the staff...
Yes Im talking abut him... Luke Perry

It is just... so unfair, he was there till the end of the series and now on the redo, he is not there...
Can't feel anything else but:
sad to not see him there!!
Surprised, I'm this old and I'm watching this stupid thing, me who hates tv...
Would I watch this again?? as my daughter would say... nnneeee,,, I don't know, I don't think...
This redo is just SOMETHING STUPID!!
... well... I will leave this around and walk away silently!!
Me back then... little girl!!