when my computer decided to shut off... ahahhahahah i really didn´t care... who i was talking with i didn´t care, took all my time to relax, watch a movie, turned on my laptop again, ran the antivirus, forgot about the ones i was talking with and when i was finally able to use the laptop again.. surprise surprise... hahhahahhahahahahh i got deleted and blocked... Really?? Really?? Oh come on... that person said he didn´t care about the impresion i could have about him bcz he is too confident with him slf... and he deleted and blocked me bcz i didnt add him to my fb rite away... well, (here i can say it...) ugly as beating ur mother, but i was to add him to my fb anyways... hahahahahhahahah
Ok but this is not about laughing of people who definitely have problems with their own mirror...
Is about being disappointed bcz how or why people can judge other people based on nothing... why not to wait?? why not to be clear from the beggining and stop wondering what are the intentions and lose a good friendship just because u made a big castle based on a night of conversation of nothing?? why not to talk, to ask, to find the correct information??
I have to admit... on that new page as the others... nothing good, the regular conversations are.. hi, oh ure so pretty... do u have skype?? and i respond hi... tnk u... eeehhhhmmm Yes but did u read what i have about skype on my profile??
then, either latins or europeans are the same
Oh... mmm Good night
me- ok bye!!
delete button for them, block button for me....
When i left Nala Semma i told him (just to hurt him) "No has perdido lo que nunca te ha pertenecido" "u dont lose what was never yours"
and by the last experiences i can really tell sometimes things u think or other people think are bad for u and you may suffer... just give ur slf the chance to leave it and u will see how that thing that wasn´t urs u wont miss bcz having it hurts u more...
that´s the case for a long something... but for these guys... Do they really think i care about them deleting me?? i think i will change my profile and place something like... contact for a day... skype?? yes, if u want to see my smiling face,,, hahahah i have a lot of fun with that people... and that really scare me, just hope i don´t get desperate to get a man as i did on 2013 xmass then i tried to build something with nothing, paid for nothing, and jumped to the destruction for someone who doesn´t deserve a sight from a real woman... just hope God help and bless him and he stay very very very far from me...
missing my sweet Nala Semma made me lose my direction and got lost on that foggy and crazy day when i pushed my own to that mud...

Disappointed... with my own... yes, yes,,, with me, with this Vivi... can´t believe how without thinking i can let some words to come out of me... nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo...
now what?? that was already done... i´m wondering if i really missed him to write that... oh come on!!! i admit i missed his eyes and hands... but...
Well let´s see what happen,,, i´m disappointed with my self bcz of that... very mad!!

Thts the only baby i really love bcz he really know how to please me!!
Still disappointed with me and people....
Ahhhh... listening Enrique Iglesias: finally found you... let´s see who is the victim i dance that to... hehehhehehehhehehehe Yes I´m, finally, back!!