I think after all... i have to write
is very curious to see how things move in here... hahhaha I just wish... mmmm ok i didnt come to write about what i wish i came to write about what i think!!
Actions!! ... ???
sometimes we do some things without thinking, without knowing what are the consecunces...
now im losing that joy on writing...
Just wish God give him all the happiness that makes him forget of my name same way i don´t want to know about him NEVER AGAIN

Trying to have an idea of why i started writing today, I can see December days,
laughing with Jerry and still miss Nala Semma
really didnt know what to think and told her about Jerry and right after, i got a call from my most recent ex-boyfriend Jerry... and here we go again on those days and actions
everymoment, everyday, we move, we talk, we do things; if those are mistakes or not we don´t know we just have actions that will have consecuences and will leave remembrances in our minds... good or bad?? i don´t know

life is not pink or blue... everyday comes with a different color... i had a 2013 gray year bcz of my lost, and a 2014 with different
unfortunately some people just don´t have a mind to don´t be that desconsiderate and selfish and think about their actions... but our eyes never look inside of ourselves but to the others actions...
I´m sorry and at the same time fine without Jerry...
the actions after that indian people contacted me... crazy people,,, hahahha
Well... actions... every step, every word, every sight every move we do are actions that has consecuences

the good about what i write... have no consecuences anymore, nobody read me, no body is affected with it... have no consecuences!!
or maybe yes... maybe one day i will come back and cry or laugh
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