sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015


One day when I was a teenager 
I heard something from another teenager, who I thought was very mature...
he said he didn´t like pictures of him 
Pictures steal souls 
and keep them on a moment in a paper...
I laughted...
and thought... 
I might be crazy but I´m not alone!! 

Now after millions of years 
I heard kind of the same thing, but without details, and without that passion behind the words...
I laughted again... 

then I got this:

If my soul is stolen by all this pictures 
then I´m glad... 
At least my soul is smiling
I like pictures 
I love to laugh at them 
remember the moments there

Well... I really don´t think my soul can get trapped in a picture 
when I leave it on every word written here...

And for now... I will leave it  here!!


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