miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Those Dreams...

Since i know i have these dreams
they show me the reality
when im living an stupid dream i think is my reality
then those dreams come 
i fight them 
and feel sad 
i dont want to believe 
but after a while
i find out 
all the things were exactly 
how my dreams told me 

this time i dreamed 
of me...
of him
we both 
taking different busses 
that had the same route at the beggining
but on a certain point
my buss took a different street...
i tried to call him 
and was very concern 
but nothing worked...
couldnt get him back 

Those dreams... 
want to fight this
dont want to believe 
dont want this to be true 
but maybe one day 
ill findout what i dont want to see now...


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