lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Be Happy... Be free!!

today is march 26 2014

but i will send this futuredated...

just want to tell you 

I love you  

i want to have a life with you
sleep with you everynite 
and give you a kiss everymorning 
laugh and play with you everytime we can
and share the hard moments as a family

i love you 
i just want to be there and paint my life with your colors 
be able to hear your voice 
kiss your lips 
hug you 
and walk together thru the life 

my eyes wants to see you and only you 
my ears wants to hear you 
my hands wants to touch  you 
my mouth wants to call  only your name 
my life needs to be filled with you 
all this just bcz 
i love you 
and that is the only reason

your eyes dont want me 
your ears are tired of my voice and the sound of my laugh
and shut me off 
your skin doesnt respond to my touch 
your mouth doesnt make a kiss for me 
and you need your life filled with all those names
that you talk to, once a while waiting for the moment when they finally respond 
and then youll be happy 
while i love you 
and my happiness has your name 

if i want you happy 
why to try to keep you 
why to try to get love from you when you  dont want to love me 
why to waist my love on you 
when i can show you  more love by letting you go

today when i love you 
i have to say 
im done...
ill cry 
ill suffer loneliness 
ill call your name 

mite not be able to find someone who really loves me 
mite die alone
mite not get a touch again on my skin bcz of the desire of someone
mite die with my lips dry 
and still waiting for a kiss 
but today 
im done...
i want you happy 
and will try to find happiness on another name...

my personal suggestion...
forget about the website 
take the money 
get a ticket buy roses 
and go for her, the one u like the most 
the one ur  heart beats in silence and your eyes want to see 
go there... and show ur love 
all women love roses 
all women love to be loved 
or simply go and let her know ure there 
and she is the reason


After that wonderfull weekend 
laughing and enjoying life 

came to my world 
came to my mind 
yes, with a smile and 
with a stupid thot of a maybe...
no... it was just a dream 
and i have to let u b free!!

be happy and 
be free!!


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