Since yesterday
bcz of a couple of laughs
I got the punishment from the destiny
I saw the reality in front of me
no doub
is the reality who gave me that slap on my face
because I dont deserve any joy
After fighting with the blindness
of who care of me
and my stupidness
of who think I´m worth to believe a lie
After telling him I´m not blind to believe
what he want me to believe
just to raise my soul
in my own loneliness
realized I need more mirrors
mirrors on every spot of this place
mirrors dont lie
mirrors show the truth
mirrors dont hide anything for later
or just because they dont want to hurt u
mirrors all over the place
is what i need
mirrors that show me the truth
when i think things can change
mirrors to show me my age
to show me who I am
and dont let me think i can be better than what i am
to realize that I cant ask for more
since I dont have more to give
since I´m not enough to delight my self
then to delight others...
and just have to wait for the decision of someone else
if they want to stole that taken happiness
I say is mine
but is nothing more than that
I just realized I need more mirrors
to dont forget my truth!!!
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