domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Causas de la crisis en España

Muchos se preguntan sobre las causas e la crisis en España. El gobierno ofrece una explicación de que España se encuentra en una crisis internacional prvocada por las hipotecas “subprime” (hipotecas de alto riesgo) en Estados Unidos cuyas consecuencias afectan negativamente a España. ¿Es una explicación cierta o no? ¿Si la crisis en España es consecuencia de la crisis norteamericana? Si, pero no. El detonante se produce en Estados Unidos pero la actual crisis se produce por muchos errores pasados y presentes de la economía española.
Principales problemas 1) Caída de la demanda en sectores mas productivos Mas importantes la construccion,el turismo y los automóviles, se han visto afectados por problemas internos (burbuja inmobiliaria)y externos caída de la demanda de productos turísticos y automóvil a nivel global, incluida la propia demanda interna lo cual ha provocado perdidas millonarias de puestos de trabajo en sectores muy intensivos en mano de obra.
2) Deterioro de la productividad En los últimos 10 años España ha presentado un decaimiento en la competitividad lo que ha significaco que el sector exportador haya tenido una baja frente a los demás países de la unión europea.
3) Inadecuada política energética y de agua España es un país altamente dependiente del petróleo importado de otros países lo que se traduce en energía costosa y dependencia de terceros, lo cual agrava la competitividad del país como exportador En cuanto del agua se sufre un problema político de la falta de visión por parte del gobierno y los políticos autonomicos ocasionando que la llegada del agua a zonas dificitarias como levante, murcia y andalucia oriental que podrían ser las zonas mas importantes para reforzar el sector agrario y asi incrementar las exportaciones
4) Sistema financiero. Esta por abordar en profundidas las funciones de las cajas de ahorro, tan necesarios para asegurar la supervivencia ya que han sido los principales afectados de la irracionalidad crediticia de pasados años al sector inmobiliario, asi mismo se produce una disminución drástica del cretido por parte de todo el sistema financiero, bancos, cajas, a pequeños empresarios y familias lo cual dificulta su subsistenciay acarreara mas desempleo ya que estos pequeños empresarios son los que mantienen el 80% de los puestos de trabajo y el dia a dia de las familias
5) La educación El nivel educativo es bajo, fruto de las políticas erróneas y caracterizado por el autismo provinciano y en este punto vale destacar la falta de programas importantes que relacionen las universidades ocn el sistema empresarial.
6) Falta de liderazgo por parte del gobierno como de la oposición para llegar a un acuerdo de consenso sobre la magnitud de los problemas y empezar a abordarlos a conciencia poniendo por delante los intereses de los ciudadanos españoles en vez de sus propios problemas como partidos políticos.


miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

I Q U I T... I don´t understand and i quit!!

Last nite talking with a friend...
a challenge for me 
since he is so handsome 
and the way he is...
is just not what i used to get...
anyway a challenge for me 

then we are talking 
and he made an statement that left me...
i almost didnt get the message ...
but this morning 
when i was taking my delicious shower 
that conversation came back to my mind 
and i recall all the last 
how i have been trying to find the correct one for me 
my fingers as names 
i almost finish all of them 

and now i took a desicion..

I      Q U I T ! ! ! 

i have to find the peace in myslf and try to find the way 
to enjoy my loneliness 
try to stop seeing it as loneliness
and enjoy it as a status of happiness...
where i dont need to give explanations to anybody 
and just have to enjoy what i have 
all the blessings 
because it seems to be my destiny...

ok.. but why i quit...
my ex-boy friend left me for a 19 year old girl when he is 54
i think im too old for him being 38... so...
that´s a good reason...   I AM TOO OLD!! 

the guy from Australia... 
he was not sure if he wants a lil girl 17 years old or an Old woman 38 years old...
he is only 49 then he have to see and i think to taste first what he like and what he preffer 
i hope he have another FRIEND  that old, 38 years, since i´m not a soup to be tasted!!

Burningtown guy... he is 45... and he think he is too old for me... 
i told him, no, ure just good, actually too young for what i like but then im sssoooooooooooooo far for him... oh yes...  

like this i can cont counting...

Ireland leprechaun guy... afraid of everything... 

s.c. too smart....

but last nite i got the reason of my friend... 
he is 54 too... we have sum time talking..
he is nice, a total challenge for my mind... 
but his excuse was....
and in 10 years i´ll be a young woman when he is so old...

 I   G I V E  U P !!! 

i should be so ugly that every man is just finding a new excuse to run away from me... 

too old, too far, an option, too risky, not smart enough, and now  IM TOO YOUNG...  yes, sure!!!

i just give up!! 


domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Virtual Kisses... Dry, but with meaning!!

Watching sum kisses..
hearing the sound  when those virtual kisses are sent
and feeling the dryness on my lips 
of that nothing 
just a noise 
just a picture...
the desire of that wetness on my lips 
make me think and ask to the destiny 
or if even one day 
I would be able to feel sum lips on my lips 
if I will convert a smile on a kiss 
if i will feel again a the sweet taste 
of someone lips 
if my lips will get wet again bcz of a tonge, 
other than mine, caresing them 

is the big question when i see many virtual kisses 
and my lips are dry 
when i hear many  words 
but my hands are alone
when im cherissed but im just a picture in the darkness 
covered with my loneliness...

when i am going to open my eyes and find those eyes 
feel my lips reached on a wet kiss 
and my nights will be filled of love 
instead of words for the memory 

when i´m going to stop hearing the kisses 
those virtual kisses 
kisses with meaning but 
dry kisses 
and have real kisses 
wet kisses?? 


Ur name again...


Good day...

is sad to realize you wont read me...

i dreamed of you...
what i dreamed is not important at all..
and dreaming of you doesnt mean nothing
just that i´m thinking too much of you and that i love you
see you when the destiny wants us together again, while that happens, take care and be happy...

i think it will work for me to stop bothering you 
i mean...
to know that u wont read me 
wht a big discouragement!!

mmmm :(

by the way... it is october the 5th 6:30 am...
so i just opened my eyes thinking of you
cuz i dreamed of you


that e-card was sent back on the 5th of oct and received today the 1st of dec..or ignored today...
now, i dont care that much... 

Well... i dont know what happens
I was smiling and flirting with someone 

but just yesterday i  got his name in my mind again... maybe not with the same strenght like when i sent that e-card... 
i stop bothering him  and im not looking on his things no more... 

im trying to move on
and be focus on my life
but i think is like 

this song....

those thots comes and then the smile and that flirty girl just leave for a while...
and the tears soak my face... 

i think he was something really important in my life and i will never stop loving him... 
or i dont know....

i have to admit... 
im enjoying sum green, sweet and flirty eyes... 
an angel and a devil at once..
someone who is a challenge for me... 
not just a simple mind 
that lies to me when it  has a lot of things against me.. 
and want to punish me for every word... 
not just a sweet smile  
that hides a terrible word to hurt me... 

im enjoying that kiss in the morning 
and that  long hug at night...
the first and the last thot 
but his name comes to show me the life is not a tale and that smiles can be stolen in a second... 
