domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014
De paso
Quiero pensar que algun dia saldre de esto
que no es mi destino
si no un simple pasaje de mi vida
que despues habran mejores dias
que no debere temer
que podre olvidarme del mundo que me rodea
y me encontrare contigo
quiero estar de paso
quiero disfrutar de lo poco
aprender la leccion para poder disfrutar
de cada instante cuando todo cambie
cuando ya no este de paso
cuando mi casa limpia encuentre su ocupante
que le cuidara
que le amara
y quien se quedara por siempre
tal vez esta sed de besos no sea mas que esa leccion
para poder apreciar las mieles cuando las tenga en mis labios
este frio de abrazos
sera el que me enseñe a apreciar el calor de un abrazo verdadero
esta soledad acompañada
es la enseñanza de apreciar las carcajadas
y esa mano sosteniendo mi mano
que este desamor me enseñe a apreciar el amor
y a encontrarlo cuando me sea dado nuevamente
por que esta vida sin vida no puede ser mas que un momento de paso
una pesadilla de la cual no logro despertar
un trago amargo pero pasajero
un tropezon de mi vida
un rato
un paso
un instante
una noche enferma
tiene que ser solo un paso
por que no se puede vivir sin vida
no hay amor sin amor
no hay calor en el frio
no se puede vivir la vida ciega
cuando vemos la realidad
y asi como creemos que despues de la vida
debe haber algo que no sabemos
despues de tanta tristeza
de tanta soledad
despues debe haber algo
algo bueno
por que ya no hay nada mas malo
que podria haber mas malo
que tener que soportar el desamor
saber que nisiquiera merecemos respeto
y tener que vivir con ello
no tener las alas para volar lejos
no tener las fuerzas para echar todo al olvido
mirar la realidad y simplemente seguir haciendonos las tontas
no no podria haber nada mas malo
y si no hay mas mal
debe venir cosas maravillosas
debo encontrar esos ojos que me buscan
debo encontrar esos labios
debo ser alcanzada por esos brazos
debo ser amada y amar
yo se que esto no puede ser mas que un paso
una leccion
un momento de mi vida
para que pueda apreciar las cosas buenas
cuando lleguen a mi vida
cuando te encuentre
y sepa que eres para siempre!!
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014
Hasta cuando??
En estos dias en ke no tengo nada
ke mi vida no es mas ke un estupido caos
ni sikiera puedo decir ke tengo una casa
solo un espacio ke no me pertenece
solo un lugar donde estar mientras llega el dia en ke deba marchar
sin hogar, sin trabajo, sin familia, sin nada
y hasta sin Dios...
Por ke no puedo reir si le precede a mi risa un mar de lagrimas
y es por la misma unica razon...
si anteriormente llore por no poder caminar con mi cabeza en alto
ahora nisiquiera puedo pensar
solo voy como un pedazo de carne viviente
sin derecho de decidir por si misma
sin derecho de preguntarme a mi misma
hasta cuando?
si aun cuando desease tomar la decision de preguntarmelo
corriendo el riesgo de no tener respuesta
temo darmela si sera una respuesta alimentada por el coraje
ke despues de unos instantes y ante mi realidad solo me llenara de mas tristeza
y volvere a ahogarme en mi propio llanto
volvere a agonizar sintiendo mi corazon volando en mil pedazos
volvere a sentirme enferma, sin fuerza, sin direccion, sin calma alguna
y nisiquiera tengo a Dios para pensar que todo va a mejorar
Si esta tan lejos de mi
tan callado
tan ocupado en sus cosas
ke no me keda mas ke seguir en este fango
sin pensar
sin tratar siquiera preguntarme
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014
Status of Happiness...
One time when i used to cry night and day
when every smile had sense for me and every word had a name
One time when i used to walk and feel lost
when every moment lived and loved was all i had and all i had was that month with a name on it
One time when i dreamed
when i thot there was happiness waiting for me
when i trusted the future and it promises as
something with smiles and joy
That time when my life was simple and happy
when i used to laugh
when i used to cry
when i used to live
when i used to trust in destiny
i thot i had that status of happiness waiting
that situation of never crying
when i was holding that happiness
when the time was not a bunch of fears
when i used to laugh
because i was happy
even crying i was happy
i was not afraid of anything
just happy!!
martes, 19 de agosto de 2014
What have to reconcider?
Dont I have an opinion?
Am I an ugly doll that is waiting for a decision?
Every hour just goes by
and I´m not crying and just waiting for any chance
or anything that shows a little of you
Any interest...
No, I´m not waiting
because I know there is nothing to wait for
I informed my heart you wont come back
And I´m just living
If you decide to forgive
If u decide to talk
I still have to ask to my heart
if he wants to be hurted again
by not being loved back
try to love again for both of us
I still have to ask to my mind
if she is prepared to see
how u throw me out in the night
and me begging for mercy
I know i shouldn´t say what i said
and i did apologize
i did rectify what i said
because and just because
i have to respect
but where is the respect for me?
where is the respect for my love?
I asked to be threated as a bitch
in bed
not in the middle of the night
being asked to take my stuff and walk down the street
in the middle of the night
You have to reconsider about that wound i made on you
where that wound was made?
your head, arm, leg?
because to be giving love for 5 months
without receiving love back
and then be threated as a nasty bitch
made a big wound in my heart
to give my hand
to give my friendship
to help
to give a smile
yes... i can just give
and that is already yours
to give my heart again
even when he dies to be with u
and give u my entire life
i really have to reconsider...
im not thinking about that
and im just living
but when i do
i cant stop crying...
martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
Por fin en mi mundo..
sin nada ni nadie
en mi propia oscuridad
en mi soledad
en mi y sin nadie mas....
por fin puedo llorar mis lagrimas sola
sin miedo
sin excusas
sin ese temor a ser juzgada por alguna palabra
sin esperar nada de nada
sola abrazada a mi almohada
sentir mis lagrimas correr por mis mejillas
escuchar ese silencio de la nada de mi
esa ausencia que yo misma hago
sentir ese frio incesante que llega hasta mis huesos
y saber que no te encontrare
que trate de buscarte en otro lado
y hoy
tengo la certeza de que no estabas alli
sin excusarme
escuchar a mi mente y saber que me digo la verdad
que no estas
que no estaras
que yo misma estoy perdida
que no hay nadie
solo un cuerpo sin alma
una mente que divaga
en el universo
y al rededor de ella no hay mas
que lo que ella misma es
sin nada ni nadie
en mi propia oscuridad
en mi soledad
en mi y sin nadie mas....
por fin puedo llorar mis lagrimas sola
sin miedo
sin excusas
sin ese temor a ser juzgada por alguna palabra
sin esperar nada de nada
sola abrazada a mi almohada
sentir mis lagrimas correr por mis mejillas
escuchar ese silencio de la nada de mi
esa ausencia que yo misma hago
sentir ese frio incesante que llega hasta mis huesos
y saber que no te encontrare
que trate de buscarte en otro lado
y hoy
tengo la certeza de que no estabas alli
sin excusarme
escuchar a mi mente y saber que me digo la verdad
que no estas
que no estaras
que yo misma estoy perdida
que no hay nadie
solo un cuerpo sin alma
una mente que divaga
en el universo
y al rededor de ella no hay mas
que lo que ella misma es
lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014
Free to love me...
Days ago my life was gone
as a kid when is out of sugar....
just dead
walking, talking
living just bcz
yesterday with one of his kisses
with his eyes
with his hands
and a lot of words coming out of his mouth
i got alive again
got filled of energy
touched the stars
felt my heart beating
and couldnt even think
i just had that stupid smile on my lips
of a woman inlove
that sight i couldnt hide
that happiness singing as laugh on me
felt my life as a rollercoaster
being on the top touching with my fingertips the stars
but i got much information
i got the idea of her inviting him
to go on a trip
for a week
her inviting him
and today when the reality
came to and hit my face with those words
after having the idea of going back there
after planing again my whole life
her name came to my mind
and destroyed all my sand castles
erased my smile
and twisted my heart
she wants him with her
she is willing to do anything to have him
who am i?
or what can i do
just nothing
my words to him...
you are free to love me
but free
no, i wont move there,
i cant expose my heart again to be thrown out
can´t expose my own since i dont have wings
God made me human not bird
can´t move from one brench to another
and continue singing as nothing happened
so, i wont move there
untill you are sure is me who you want and love
untill i feel secure again
right now i just feel unsecure and sure
nomatter what if i move there again
i´ll be thrown away
and i cant afford such a thing
love me free...
maybe u can find that love u want on those conversations
that excitemnt
that happiness
so love me free
like that you can decide to have me
or simply not
these wound are asking me for time
to be carefull
to let u be free to love me
free... as a bird
open ur wings and fly
enjoy your life
and if u realize you need me
then come and let me know
come and fly by my side
if not, im letting u to be free
i´m not letting you to hurt me more
so,,, while u fly
i heal
and if you decide to have her
if you decide that your life is definatly not by me
I can still smile bcz i loved you!!
but now...
you are free to love me
and decide what to do!!
jueves, 31 de julio de 2014
Then and Now!!
By this days is tnksgiving
but im not sending it to myslf bcz of that
im sending it to myslf
bcz at this moment i have a presentation today
i have the final exams the next week and have metodology by the 5th of dec
also have the graduation of my kids
and need to be focus on what i have to do
but his memories are coming to my mind rite now
to put me down
and i dont need that
i just want to know how im feeling by the end of my 2nd semester at the university and how i did now
i have to do my best to do well if i really want to do something for my slf
it is very hard to imagine him
with his little girl
but i have to improve for myslf and do well
what if after a while i look back and see that i didnt do good for someone that is not interested on me at all
and i lost my time??
him and everything
My life has change a lot
someone came to my life and is already gone
is something i have to fight with now
I´m having a hard time
last nite i dreamed of sleeping on the street literally
trying to be focus on those two important things on my life
my kids
and my university
with my tears trying to come out once i let them
but without a wall to hide them
having to show a smile
feeling more alone
and sad than ever
but with the mentality that God
will raise me again...
i mite send another card to myslf
about all this situation now
i really want keep all this in my mind
dont forget what are the experiences im having
to be able to appreciate every minute
every kiss
every hug
every blessing
when i have them again
i dont know
i really dont understand why now
anything seems to get resolve easily and fast
and every step i make
is, just, showing me that the only interested in me
is me!!
but i know that in a while
i´ll look back and will feel happy bcz i was able to pass
all this situation!!
Im not good
Im not happy
Im alive, have my kids
and my university to feel good!!!
jueves, 10 de julio de 2014
My Question...
My question...
When did i stop writting
he mite be thinking that i still care about him
and want him back
which is not the case,
i did write these postdated cards only
but my feelings now are totally different
Today is october the 10th 2013...
there are many reasons i dont want to write this
1) wont be read
2) have to be in english
3) dont want to cont crying
4) and more...
How i feel?? sad... before i was sad to give my words and dont get any response
then i asked to dont be read and i got a response...
now my word dont get read
why to write? is like to waste the mind
waste the tears
waste a life when maybe out there
i can find some eyes that want to read my smiles
some eyes that want to respond...
but is not easy when i see those eyes everywhere and
my fingers want to write for you
now i can tell
i am cleaning my house and closing my windows
not to leave...
i will be there
but not waiting for you
just waiting for my self to decide how i am going to stop crying for you
if one day
you decide to visit me...
dont even ask
just push the door
i mite be there smiling
if not
is because im already dead...
love you!!
martes, 8 de julio de 2014
Heaven out of the hell Vs Hell out of the heaven!!
I just read something very interesting
“La mente es tu propio lugar y en sí misma puede hacer un cielo del infierno y un infierno del cielo”
" the mind is your own place and by itself can create a heaven out of the hell or a hell out of the heaven."
My case,,,
I think im trying to create a heaven out of the hell
maybe the reality is that im creating a hell out of the heaven
I cant tell
I just know that I´m taking what I can
stealing joy from third parties
crying my own tears
because of my own mind
my own fears
my own selfesteem
disguising my internal loneliness with my laugh
and paying with unconditional love
those little pieces of companionship
But maybe...
and just maybe...
That Joy is given to me
just because i deserve it
and want to be given to me...
my tears should desapear
with all those fears
with my low selfesteem
I should laugh freely
because I´m not alone
because there are more people
than what i think, that really care of me
and love me
what im getting are not pieces of companionship
maybe, is love!!
yes,,,i wrote the next part a month ago...
i didnt know what was to happen in my life
the next days
i didnt know God had for me
that joy for a young woman
i didnt know at all...
i wrote the next part a month ago
when i was to die again
in my own space
without knowing out there
the life was waiting for me
when i thot i had beg and fight
to continue breathing
when what i knew as my life
threw me away
then i lived
then i had joy
then i laughted out loud
and decided to see my world
with different eyes
and now im taking
what i can
reminding that I´m still a woman
and loving every minute
with a different mind and a different view of my future!!
Hi Vivi,
i chose that bears hug bcz, maybe, when we receive it
we are in need of that
today we are sick, we have some time to be stupid.
actually im writting and postdating it to my slf
bcz i just realized that all the messages i delete from my inbox
go a recycle bin and those messages after a month will get erased
so what i want to know is
if my heart will erase tht easy too
or if ill be worse or better...
i like this postdated cards bcz they give me a view of how i was
and how i recover
Well... i really hope we dont need that bear virtual hug
instead of that we are having kisses and hugs
hahahha.... im asking too much, i wont be able to find someone that fast
or not to find someone else but to be able to change my feelings and accept
what is available...
just hope im better!!!
domingo, 6 de julio de 2014
Since yesterday
bcz of a couple of laughs
I got the punishment from the destiny
I saw the reality in front of me
no doub
is the reality who gave me that slap on my face
because I dont deserve any joy
After fighting with the blindness
of who care of me
and my stupidness
of who think I´m worth to believe a lie
After telling him I´m not blind to believe
what he want me to believe
just to raise my soul
in my own loneliness
realized I need more mirrors
mirrors on every spot of this place
mirrors dont lie
mirrors show the truth
mirrors dont hide anything for later
or just because they dont want to hurt u
mirrors all over the place
is what i need
mirrors that show me the truth
when i think things can change
mirrors to show me my age
to show me who I am
and dont let me think i can be better than what i am
to realize that I cant ask for more
since I dont have more to give
since I´m not enough to delight my self
then to delight others...
and just have to wait for the decision of someone else
if they want to stole that taken happiness
I say is mine
but is nothing more than that
I just realized I need more mirrors
to dont forget my truth!!!
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