Let´s say it could be a diary and because my blog days start the day before, I wonder why, I will write of those things from yesterday... What is the point? I don´t know, It is about me, what I feel and felt... Nothing important for anybody but me, I need to put everything in order, check what is the best for me, continue with my process and continue walking!!! Ok... I was concern about my friend then I looked for him everywhere and while I was on that I got on the dating site... The Dating Site where the time before I got there, nobody, talked to me because I was so far from them or, maybe, I was too ugly. I like that site bcz of the questions... Then yesterday I got about five men talking to me; on the part where I have to say what I´m looking for I had FOR NEW FRIENDS; but they were flirting with me; so I felt... Really?? Ok, I just have to be clear and tell them what I´m looking for and what is my emotional situation and the process I´m going though, I thought but... One of them (Mike) when I explained all that told me "great, I´m writing a book about bla bla bla bla" I read untill he said writing a book and thought, Really?? I have to jump out from this, I forgot about the other guys, told Mike I was leaving the site bcz of some reasons I preffer to keep and don´t read that myself... He didn´t respond with any rude word and said ok, please take my phone number before u leave... after that I clicked on that discard account button, and stayed for a while trying to think about something different, asking to my vivi Why u did that? Why? then a voice in my head said "because ure not a Pig" and U wont feel good if u don´t say the truth and stay there... Apparently while that was happening my friend sent a message to me saying something about his day and how busy he was... Ok... I thought Still thinking about the way I jumped out from the dating site, Mike answer to my reasons and reaction to his words. I went to bed really early Got up early, made the coffee, as usual, and drank it with a positive conversation with my parents, lots of opinions and laughters... Is that time of the day I love
At 10:00 am or more I saw my laptop all bored on the sofa but I ignored her, I took my phone and saw how the numbers of e-mails was raising and the notifications from my whatsapp, left my phone on the table... An hour later came back, said good morning to my whatsapp and picked up my laptop checked my fb and finally went to check my e-mail... I thought all those 30 e-mails were the regular junk but no... I read what I had to read, erased the ones I had to erase, and left those... a cup of coffee and a piece of candy Read one and Ok... No words for me not even Hi then OK!!
read the other and got... Really??, REALLY?? Owww!! And while I´m responding my e-mails I got another e-mail and my reaction was RREEEAAALLLYYYYYYYY?? HAHAHAHHA What should I do? What should I think about that? I thought about sharing that with my friend and ask him what to think about... but, I don´t know, I don´t need anybody laughing on me because of that piece from my past and giving wrong opinions of what they don´t know... Now after a while... listening to my fave song "Mi Persona Favorita"
After I read about Anxiety which is what I suffer, I think http://www.playbuzz.com/esteecraven10/21-things-everyone-with-anxiety-need-you-to-understand I hope I don´t, I don´t need that stupidness in my life Thinking again about the dating site I think, to run away was the right reaction, I have to wait a little more, I´m in a process, to be distracted I have sum coffee cups and candy pieces to enjoy... And it wont take too long to be ready, my mind is not racing, I didn´t drop a tear, neither had any negative feelings, I´m not thinking about what is waiting for me out there but about me and somehow I have a plan for my future!! WWoohhhooo!! W H A T A D A Y ! ! ! Ok with a smile on my lips and my song on my ears... I will leave it here... Piedelmundo!!!
Este cansancio mental es una de las peores cosas pero debo estar pendiente de mi proceso personal
ni siquiera tengo palabras... 2013 fue horrible but GOOONNNNEEEE!!
2014 el peor episodio de mi vida... Yes and I´m so happy ure already behind in my past that would not come back to me!! (translate this song, is what i feel)
2015 sentir mi mente desubicada... ke es esto?? NNNNNNOOOOOOO... TENGO KE SOBREPONERME Y SALIR ADELANTE!!
Soy una mujer fuerte y bella... capaz de salir de esta locura ver el sol y sonreirle a la vida!! me estoy kedando sin pies con ke andar seguramente por ke es hora de volar!!
no tengo palabras.. solo un poco de imagenes que hablan de lo ke debo hacer
Hahahahhahahahahah!! y tomo como background estos videos!!
Desde cuando estas risas se convirtieron nerviosismo? En que momento dejaron de ser chistes tus palabras y lo que dices me suena a historia de terror? Cuando entro el miedo en nuestras charadas? Quien les puso mascaras a los protagonistas para aterrorizarme? Desde cuando debo borrar tu nombre ? Que si lo veo aparecer me aferro fuerte por miedo a ser lastimada Desde cuando? Si hablarte debe ser ese momento de gozo Si mientras te leo en mi rostro debe haber satisfacción esa felicidad que irradias con cada ocurrencia esas carcajadas propias que escuchaba las lagrimas por la risa incontenible el dolor en mis mejillas de tanto reir Cuando desaparecieron? desde cuando tus chistes ya no son chistes y tus palabras me suenan a historia de terror? por que usaste esa temible espada en mi contra? es que acaso no sabes que aun cuando ya estoy acostumbrada a ser lastimada no me queda espacio para mas heridas Piedelmundo...
It leaves very clear that the size shouldn´t be the most important thing, but women want bigger penises then:
So what, exactly, constitutes a big penis? Let's whip out some data:
The average penis size is between five and six inches. That's for anerect penis.
The flaccid male organ averages around three and a half inches.
That is the average..What is the size of a personal Gatorade bottle? No Comments!!
The fact is that men really think they are their penises...
"It's a myth that using the penis is the main way to pleasure a woman," says Ian Kerner, PhD, a sex and relationships counselor in New York City whose book She Comes First offers a guide to "female orgasms and producing them through inspired oral techniques." In his book, Kerner cites a study that reports women reaching orgasm about 25% of the time with intercourse, compared with 81% of the time during oral sex.
OK, OK, Size Isn't Important. But How Can I Increase My Penis Size?
As I asked before...
Why not, if instead of being focus of how to increase the size of a penis, be focus on how to satisfy the partner, sex might be genital, sexuality is definitely not only genital and satisfaction require a lot more than the genital part of our bodies.
In the end, whether this debated locus of pleasure is fact or fiction may not matter that much. O'Connell, who is also co-author of a 2005 Journal of Urology study on the anatomy of the clitoris, says that focusing on the G-spot to the exclusion of the rest of a woman's body is "a bit like stimulating a guy's testicles without touching the penis and expecting an orgasm to occur just because love is present." She says focusing on the inside of the vagina to the exclusion of the clitoris is "unlikely to bring about orgasm. It is best to think of the clitoris, urethra, and vaginaas one unit because they are intimately related."
This part made me think about a movie; yes, i love those Pink movies where the couple find that eternal love, even though I don´trust men;
No, I´m not saying the movie is true or what the paragraph says is totally right, because there are many different ways to enjoy and there is definitely something that should be present to have satisfaction or at least for some of us or for most of women
the definition of "premature" may be largely in the eye(or mind) of the beholder, and depends on a man's sexual satisfaction and his perception of his ability to control when ejaculation occurs.
If you just can't wait for the numbers, though, a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found "a median IELT of 5.4 minutes."
Ian Kerner says a common cutoff time used to define premature ejaculation is two minutes, but he adds that many of the men he works with "are not guys who can last a few minutes; they're having orgasms during foreplay, or immediately upon penetrating. They have a hard time lasting past 30 seconds."
Sex therapists and physicians offer a number of techniques that can help men manage their anxiety and prolong their time to ejaculation. Several drugs -- like some antidepressants and topical creams -- have been prescribed by doctors to extend time to ejaculation.
And, contrary to the common perception that distraction or decreasing stimulation is the answer (slow down, think about baseball), some say that giving in to sensation can help address the issue as well. "The way to learn [to last longer] is by getting used to intense stimulation," says Prosterman, "to increase the frequency of intercourse, and feel every sensation of being inside your partner and enjoy it."
Oh Well... at least this part of the article talk about foreplay and men trying to satisfy their partners.
Multiple orgasm for men?
While multiple male orgasm is possible anywhere two or more men are gathered and talking, actual male multiple orgasm is another story. Unlike the more established phenomenon of female multiple orgasm, men's claims of successive climaxes can stray into the realm of sex myth. At the very least, male multiple orgasm is difficult to verify and may depend on the definition of orgasm.
Very interesting topic because if they can reach multiple orgasms then they can provide good satisfaction BUT then that information about a man that is so good in bed is still a myth and is not the regular to lower average we should normally expect or yes??
Ah... for those who wants to know about the multi orgasm procedures
This refractory period -- commonly 30 minutes or more -- is an unfortunate reality. While you're "waiting," spending that time caressing, kissing, massaging, and nuzzling isn't so bad. If you are trying to have a second round because your partner wants it, keep sex toys in mind.
And if that recovery period isn't super quick, you can still enjoy multiple orgasms -- you may just need to cancel your afternoon appointments.
Then, I´ts possible! The question is: Is the regular to lower average of what women should expect on every man? I don´t think
So often the key to sexual satisfaction is not about penis size, stamina records, or a technical isolation of the G-spot. Rather, it's about understanding yourself and your partner's desires and recognizing that, unlike those Disney characters, real people aren't born with a perfect, divinely granted understanding of sex.
As O'Connell remarks on the perils of over-privileging of the G-spot, "It is best for partners to explore the precise areas that turn someone on and how a partner likes to be given pleasure. That applies to both men and women, and the idea that there is any consistent 'magic spot' in either sex is just tyrannical."
Unfortunately It doesn´t have a gram of "background", Just SEX and some techniques.
This Article talk about people that is going for counsel then they as a homework have to have sex twice a week... Really? I ´m wondering if that refer to that sex with an intercourse included then the other 5 days of the week are to have intimacy without intercourse? which is more fun!. If I were the sexuality doctor from my very low knowledge of sex since I´m a poor ignorant on the topic that might be what I would tell to the couples," Have intercourse twice a week but have intimacy every day, enjoy yourself and your partner sexuality"
But let´s see what they say, I might find those statistics that will tell me about the regular to very low average men.
Why? Is this because twice a week is simply the average? Or is there a biological reason people should have sex twice a week? The lore of sex, specifically when it comes to gender differences, is stacked with the idea that if anyone "needs" sex more, it's men for the release, whereas women are born ready to wheel into the transcendent mythical land of Doesn't Need Sex as Much. We know the latter isn't true, but what about the former?
Whaatt?? women, mythical land of doesn´t need sex?? Oh no... Then where are we located in their minds? If women should expect a man that on his 40´s is so good on bed as a very regular to low average and men should expect women living in the doesn´t need sex land?
God, this is very confusing... If women should expect a man that on his 40´s is so good on bed as a very regular to low average, then women are not living in non sex land but living in Wao Sex Land and expecting much more than very good
Then if men should expect women living in the doesn´t need sex land then not even the lower lower lower average would be more than what women should expect,
so... What men and women expect are totally different things... I better continue reading because this is giving me confusing ideas of the expectations and realities.
Instead, she says, figuring out this frequency is an exercise couples can do to "gain depth into each other's needs, desires and emotional wounds and barriers. Arriving at a number prematurely though, based on an external standard, kills off all the potential for knowing each other more deeply. Mutual, deep understanding, deciding how much sex each couple needs, leads naturally to greater intimacy and a desire to hear and please your partner — not deciding on a number and then doing your 'duty.'"
Well... it continue talking about why the terapist ask for a couple of days during the week for sex, nothing about the normal to lower average or what a normal woman should expect
Ok... I had to look for spanish websites for information and at least now I know we are not members of non sex land
If this is true I´m right and what we should expect on regular bases is terrible, what is the average of men that have all the points mentioned here? hm!!
let´s see what is the check list...
A man is good on bed if he is:
A gentleman, If a man is a gentleman out of the room he will be a gentleman on bed who will try to make the woman feel like a queen!!
Make exercise, doesn´t mean that a man who doesn´t go to a gym or exercise is not good on bed but those who exercise have better conditions and wont get tired with any position, will last untill we reach many orgasms and wont tell us to don´t ask for more. and less important his appearance and selfsteem is better, something that, no doubt, seduce any woman.
Sight connections, It reveal attraction and sexual chemical that means you will have very passionate sex.
Good kisser, When we don´t like a kiss we don´t want anything else.
Expresive with his hands, If he is expressive when talking then he will be the double expressive on bed
I really don´t think it has anything to do with being good on bed but...
His gestures with a woman, sensual and kind gestures talk about a man that is loving and a good lover.
Who doesn´t talk about his past, " Tell me what you brag and I will tell you what you lack " a man who is good on bed doesn´t need to talk about that in front of the others, the facts talk by themselves.
It definitely didn´t take me out of what I think by my poor experience and what I have head from my friends...
Very sad but...
Ok,,, since apparently we should expect something better I found a list of sexual positions that want to share here
Mmmm.. is very sad for me to be reading a lot about a topic but the information that I got is kind of the same of what I already know
Somehow I was expecting that information that would tell me the truth but the truth is on every bed on every body on every house and that information can be a myth or the reality
For me... I had some of some and what i can really tell is that the best ingredient to have sex is to make love with love, if it doesn´t have love, it can be the best but will taste like nothing!!
Desapegarme seria el termino correcto que debo utilizar por que, el APEGO es lo que me sucede o el mal del que sufro... Despegarme es como yo lo veo para poder dejar estas alas abrirse y volar rumbo de mis sueños!! No puedo afirmar que es producto de un chispazo, o que una viruta de la vida me ha inspirado a escribir sobre este tema. Ha sido mas bien el hecho de haberme dado cuenta desde hace mucho tiempo que estoy enferma Ya lo sabia pero no lo reconocia... Un dia tras haber llorado como una magdalena recibi de la boca de mi confidente estas palabras: "Por que quieres sentirte triste", me senti descubierta y busque una excusa cualquiera para continuar disfrutando de mi estado de tristeza. Lo mas curioso es que mi subconsciente se tomo en serio esa excusa y la hizo verdad para mi, despues de ese dia, en numerosas ocasiones he sufrido las consecuencias del apegos a esa tristeza y dolor; ni siquiera entrare en detalles que estan bien explicitos en los escritos del 2014.
Me autodenomino una mujer en Re-Construcción por lo tanto debo desapegarme. debo dejar ese amor al dolor, a la tristeza, a la soledad, al miedo, etc...
despegarme de todo eso que llamo "inspiración", me busco las peliculas de los sueños ajenos para crearme un castillo que realmente no quiero, las canciones con las melodias y las letras mas deprimentes que me lleven a saciar mi addición al dolor, me deshago de todo eso que distrae mi mente y me deja sumida en una soledad que es solo mental si tengo la capacidad de llenar mi mente de muchas cosas y sentirme realizada, aun cuando no este con nadie a mi lado mi corazón se encuentra acompañado, debo dejar ese amor al miedo al dolor, a la tristeza, a la soledad, al miedo, etc... Si, es un circulo vicioso!!
Ok, pero reconocidos algunos de los sintomas hablemos de la solución!! Según la información obtenida sobre el tema del "DESAPEGO" Este es un proceso de sanación personal que puede beneficiar a los que me rodean...
"El desapego implica que podemos disfrutar la vida sin miedo a perder ni preocupación por el curso de las cosas. Para muchos es claro que el apego a algo o alguien nos hace daño, sin embargo, el proceso de desapego no es tan sencillo."
"El desapego implica – ” vivir el momento presente” – vivir en el aquí y en el ahora -. Permitimos que en la vida las cosas se den por sí solas en lugar de forzarlas y tratar de controlarlas. Renunciamos a los remordimientos por el pasado y a los miedos por el futuro. Sacamos el mayor provecho a cada día. Es un tema tan dificil que hasta yo que escribo estas líneas me cuesta increíblemente ponerlo en práctica.
El desapego nos da la libertad de disfrutar de las relaciones o de las cosas que poseemos en la vida."
"Liberarnos emocionalmente y conseguir una existencia feliz y sin ataduras."
En el español de Viviow Desapego es ser Yo libremente sin depender, ni atarme a nada, tomar mis desiciones basada en la preferencia no en la necesidad
El desapego es un proceso, no es facil, no es instantaneo y requiere mas que nada el deseo de querer realizarlo!
Suena a dieta para bajar de peso!! en cierta forma es eso, entrar en una dieta de eso toxico que nos tiene sumidos en una obesidad de apego.
Los pasos a seguir para conseguir el desapego:
El primer paso hacia el desapego es hacerlo consciente. Más allá de darse cuenta de que estamos apegados a algo o alguien, debemos vivir alerta de todos nuestros pensamientos y acciones impulsadas por dicho apego.
Listo!! ya soy consciente o mas bien hace algun tiempo soy completamente consciente de mi apego y ahora he decidido hacer algo para salir de esta situación enfermiza.
Hay veces que es necesario “engañarnos” a nosotros mismos. Si toda nuestra atención y energía va dirigida hacia el objeto de nuestro apego, sólo alimentaremos esta relación enfermiza. Entre más distracciones nos pongamos, más distancia lograremos. Pero no es sólo cuestión de ocuparnos día y noche, sino especialmente de saber reconocer a tiempo cuando nuestra atención esté mal dirigida y encaminarla hacia algo más.
Lo mas triste es saber que puedo distraerme facilmente de mis objetos de apego pero al distraerme tanto me asusto de ello y corro a encerrarme en esa burbuja azul intoxicando mi mente para crear ese castillo de miedos y dolor, y asi sumirme en ese estado del cual supuestamente deseo salir pero que conscientement busco por mero placer.
Ahi va mi pregunta, Que prefiero? Que necesito?
Tal vez deje de escribir cuando me rehabilite de este apego, realmente necesito escribir? realmente necesito escribir de situaciones tristes, de situaciones futuras inciertas?
a que estoy apegada? Que es esto que necesito?
Haga una lista de aquello a lo que está apegado y declare su separación emocional. El inventario trae consciencia y la consciencia nos ayuda a vivir alerta y a reconocer los patrones que debemos cambiar. Nos pone en control en vez de a la deriva .
Ese inventario lo tengo que escribir y pegar en donde lo vea a diario para evitarlo, para identificar cuales son los sentimientos que quiero y que no quiero, lo que realmente necesito y lo que prefiero tener a mi lado.
Analizando mis propias palabras recien escritas me apego a ese miedo a cambiar y dejar atras excusas a apegarme... Ke Horror... esto de desapegarse es mas dificil de lo que parece!!
Este ejercicio me gusta!
Puede "Trabajar con Afirmaciones" de diferente maneras. Puede trabajar con una afirmación general, declarando que usted está libre de apego hacia cualquier persona u objeto, o puede usar la lista que hizo en su inventario, y declarar desapego por cada uno de los puntos que listó. Haga las afirmaciones en positivo, y no en negación. Es decir, en vez de decir “No estoy apegado a ti”, escriba algo como “Soy libre de apegos y reconozco la felicidad en la libertad”.
Claro que si! declarar en voz alta que soy libre de algo me hara libre de ello, es empezar el dia con un pensamiento positivo de que ya soy libre de algo que me hara tener una actitud positiva durante el dia y me llenara de fuerzas ante los obstaculos!!
suena a psicologia barata pero en cierta forma es la "pura verdad", como dice la canción que escucho ahora!
La meditación es el acto de alterar nuestro estado de conciencia para desocupar nuestra mente de pensamientos y así experimentar calma y tranquilidad.
Interesante ejercicio... Tal vez lo lleve a cabo cuando haya encontrado el espacio adecuado, ademas de que dicho ejercicio no me recuerde ningun apego!
La Oración es una conversación con ese amigo que siempre esta ahi, que me ama, que me cuida pero que me deja vivir mi vida conforme a lo que yo decida...
Ese es un Master en desapego y respeto!! Espero que despues de todo este proceso y aun durante el proceso pueda yo apegarme a Él que es el unico que vale la pena y no me falla!!
El desprendimiento es esencial para el desapego. Realizar ejercicios de desprendimiento, aunque no estén relacionados con el objeto de nuestro apego, es un gran paso hacia desapegarse de algo o alguien. Despréndase de ideas o cosas importantes para usted. La realización de que su bienestar no depende de estas cosas le fortalecerá y le acercará al descubrimiento de que usted está bien, aún cuando la fuente de su apego desaparezca. Regale objetos de su hogar, ropa, y hasta dinero. Cambie de actividades y hasta de rutina. Despréndase de su zona de confort e intente cosas nuevas. Pero hágalo desde el corazón, con gusto y con confianza de que recibirá inmensas recompensas por esto (y no se preocupe por cuales serán estas recompensas ni cuando llegarán!)
Desprenderme, despegarme, desapegarme de esa toxicidad de ponerme a pensar en lo que va a suceder
y que importa lo que va a suceder si ya he comprobado que he salido triunfante miles de veces de situaciones que creia definitivas.
desprenderme de esa idea de que el mundo va a girar para los demas pero para mi, con lo que detesto que me mientan, y soy; precisamente; yo la primera que se miente cada vez pensando que; si, el mundo se va a detener y mi tiempo se diluira en cada una de mis lagrimas mientras el mundo gira para los demas entre sus risas; cuando ya he visto mas de una vez y me he sorprendido de como el mundo esta lleno de sucesos a cada instante y lo que realmente no hace para nadie es detenerse y mucho menos para mi!!
El producto del desapego??
Serenidad, paz, capacidad de dar y recibir AMOR
El desapego me va a permitir envejecer feliz
bien sea sin una pareja
o bien
con una pareja en union libre, con amor verdadero
Justamente eso que siempre he predicado que tanto deseo, una pareja que este unida a mi por el respeto y el amor mutuo y a sí mismo, no por un contrato perecedero!!
"El desapego es sostener nuestra libertad, permitiendo, tambien ser libres a quienes amamos." "El desapego no es abandono o desinteres, es un acto de amor incondicional, Quien ama verdaderamente deja libre al otro!!
Bueno sabiendo todas las cosas que tengo por hacer y un poco mas
me despido con una de Walter Riso
Y se las dejo ahi!!
“no hay nada más peligroso que una idea, cuando es la única que se tiene.”