After reading a little more, I Am Back!!
We were on SEX: Fact and Fiction.
It leaves very clear that the size shouldn´t be the most important thing, but women want bigger penises then:
So what, exactly, constitutes a big penis? Let's whip out some data:
- The average penis size is between five and six inches. That's for anerect penis.
- The flaccid male organ averages around three and a half inches.
That is the average..What is the size of a personal Gatorade bottle? No Comments!!
The fact is that men really think they are their penises...
"It's a myth that using the penis is the main way to pleasure a woman," says Ian Kerner, PhD, a sex and relationships counselor in New York City whose book She Comes First offers a guide to "female orgasms and producing them through inspired oral techniques." In his book, Kerner cites a study that reports women reaching orgasm about 25% of the time with intercourse, compared with 81% of the time during oral sex.
OK, OK, Size Isn't Important. But How Can I Increase My Penis Size?
As I asked before...
Why not, if instead of being focus of how to increase the size of a penis, be focus on how to satisfy the partner, sex might be genital, sexuality is definitely not only genital and satisfaction require a lot more than the genital part of our bodies.
In the end, whether this debated locus of pleasure is fact or fiction may not matter that much. O'Connell, who is also co-author of a 2005 Journal of Urology study on the anatomy of the clitoris, says that focusing on the G-spot to the exclusion of the rest of a woman's body is "a bit like stimulating a guy's testicles without touching the penis and expecting an orgasm to occur just because love is present." She says focusing on the inside of the vagina to the exclusion of the clitoris is "unlikely to bring about orgasm. It is best to think of the clitoris, urethra, and vaginaas one unit because they are intimately related."
This part made me think about a movie; yes, i love those Pink movies where the couple find that eternal love, even though I don´trust men;
No, I´m not saying the movie is true or what the paragraph says is totally right, because there are many different ways to enjoy and there is definitely something that should be present to have satisfaction or at least for some of us or for most of women
How Premature Is Premature Ejaculation?
I know about 0 minutes...
the definition of "premature" may be largely in the eye(or mind) of the beholder, and depends on a man's sexual satisfaction and his perception of his ability to control when ejaculation occurs.
If you just can't wait for the numbers, though, a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found "a median IELT of 5.4 minutes."
Ian Kerner says a common cutoff time used to define premature ejaculation is two minutes, but he adds that many of the men he works with "are not guys who can last a few minutes; they're having orgasms during foreplay, or immediately upon penetrating. They have a hard time lasting past 30 seconds."
Sex therapists and physicians offer a number of techniques that can help men manage their anxiety and prolong their time to ejaculation. Several drugs -- like some antidepressants and topical creams -- have been prescribed by doctors to extend time to ejaculation.
And, contrary to the common perception that distraction or decreasing stimulation is the answer (slow down, think about baseball), some say that giving in to sensation can help address the issue as well. "The way to learn [to last longer] is by getting used to intense stimulation," says Prosterman, "to increase the frequency of intercourse, and feel every sensation of being inside your partner and enjoy it."
Oh Well... at least this part of the article talk about foreplay and men trying to satisfy their partners.
Multiple orgasm for men?
While multiple male orgasm is possible anywhere two or more men are gathered and talking, actual male multiple orgasm is another story. Unlike the more established phenomenon of female multiple orgasm, men's claims of successive climaxes can stray into the realm of sex myth. At the very least, male multiple orgasm is difficult to verify and may depend on the definition of orgasm.

Ah... for those who wants to know about the multi orgasm procedures
And finally a little of what I was looking for...
This refractory period -- commonly 30 minutes or more -- is an unfortunate reality. While you're "waiting," spending that time caressing, kissing, massaging, and nuzzling isn't so bad. If you are trying to have a second round because your partner wants it, keep sex toys in mind.
And if that recovery period isn't super quick, you can still enjoy multiple orgasms -- you may just need to cancel your afternoon appointments.
Then, I´ts possible! The question is: Is the regular to lower average of what women should expect on every man? I don´t think
So often the key to sexual satisfaction is not about penis size, stamina records, or a technical isolation of the G-spot. Rather, it's about understanding yourself and your partner's desires and recognizing that, unlike those Disney characters, real people aren't born with a perfect, divinely granted understanding of sex.
As O'Connell remarks on the perils of over-privileging of the G-spot, "It is best for partners to explore the precise areas that turn someone on and how a partner likes to be given pleasure. That applies to both men and women, and the idea that there is any consistent 'magic spot' in either sex is just tyrannical."
Unfortunately It doesn´t have a gram of "background", Just SEX and some techniques.
Let´s continue reading...
This Article talk about people that is going for counsel then they as a homework have to have sex twice a week... Really? I ´m wondering if that refer to that sex with an intercourse included then the other 5 days of the week are to have intimacy without intercourse? which is more fun!. If I were the sexuality doctor from my very low knowledge of sex since I´m a poor ignorant on the topic that might be what I would tell to the couples," Have intercourse twice a week but have intimacy every day, enjoy yourself and your partner sexuality"
But let´s see what they say, I might find those statistics that will tell me about the regular to very low average men.
Why? Is this because twice a week is simply the average? Or is there a biological reason people should have sex twice a week? The lore of sex, specifically when it comes to gender differences, is stacked with the idea that if anyone "needs" sex more, it's men for the release, whereas women are born ready to wheel into the transcendent mythical land of Doesn't Need Sex as Much. We know the latter isn't true, but what about the former?
Whaatt?? women, mythical land of doesn´t need sex?? Oh no... Then where are we located in their minds? If women should expect a man that on his 40´s is so good on bed as a very regular to low average and men should expect women living in the doesn´t need sex land?
God, this is very confusing... If women should expect a man that on his 40´s is so good on bed as a very regular to low average, then women are not living in non sex land but living in Wao Sex Land and expecting much more than very good
Then if men should expect women living in the doesn´t need sex land then not even the lower lower lower average would be more than what women should expect,
so... What men and women expect are totally different things... I better continue reading because this is giving me confusing ideas of the expectations and realities.
Instead, she says, figuring out this frequency is an exercise couples can do to "gain depth into each other's needs, desires and emotional wounds and barriers. Arriving at a number prematurely though, based on an external standard, kills off all the potential for knowing each other more deeply. Mutual, deep understanding, deciding how much sex each couple needs, leads naturally to greater intimacy and a desire to hear and please your partner — not deciding on a number and then doing your 'duty.'"
Well... it continue talking about why the terapist ask for a couple of days during the week for sex, nothing about the normal to lower average or what a normal woman should expect
Ok... I had to look for spanish websites for information and at least now I know we are not members of non sex land
kinds of sex we should have before we die!!
It really doesn´t talk about any average or anything but about the types of sex which means that those types of sex should satisfy us...
If this is true I´m right and what we should expect on regular bases is terrible, what is the average of men that have all the points mentioned here? hm!!
let´s see what is the check list...
A man is good on bed if he is:
A gentleman, If a man is a gentleman out of the room he will be a gentleman on bed who will try to make the woman feel like a queen!!
Make exercise, doesn´t mean that a man who doesn´t go to a gym or exercise is not good on bed but those who exercise have better conditions and wont get tired with any position, will last untill we reach many orgasms and wont tell us to don´t ask for more. and less important his appearance and selfsteem is better, something that, no doubt, seduce any woman.
Sight connections, It reveal attraction and sexual chemical that means you will have very passionate sex.
Good kisser, When we don´t like a kiss we don´t want anything else.
Expresive with his hands, If he is expressive when talking then he will be the double expressive on bed
I really don´t think it has anything to do with being good on bed but...
His gestures with a woman, sensual and kind gestures talk about a man that is loving and a good lover.
Who doesn´t talk about his past, " Tell me what you brag and I will tell you what you lack " a man who is good on bed doesn´t need to talk about that in front of the others, the facts talk by themselves.
It definitely didn´t take me out of what I think by my poor experience and what I have head from my friends...
Very sad but...
Ok,,, since apparently we should expect something better I found a list of sexual positions that want to share here
Mmmm.. is very sad for me to be reading a lot about a topic but the information that I got is kind of the same of what I already know
Somehow I was expecting that information that would tell me the truth but the truth is on every bed on every body on every house and that information can be a myth or the reality
For me... I had some of some and what i can really tell is that the best ingredient to have sex is to make love with love, if it doesn´t have love, it can be the best but will taste like nothing!!
Ok... I will leave it here
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