I will try my best to use the appropiate words to talk about such a topic
S E X ! ! !
First of all, the reason why I´m writing about
Days ago someone told me I didn´t know anything about Sex, that I was a total ignorant about the topic, that my poor experience was the lowest average ever known, that what I was getting, at that point, was the simple medium to lower average of sexuality a normal woman could expect.

Ok, If I am an ignorant because I didn´t read enough about the sexuality average a woman could expect and my experience is not valid or good, and even the experiences of some friends are not good either then I found some information about Sex Averages, Sexuality, How much sex is healthy for a normal couple, sex statistics, etc...
Actually I was aware, that the exact information I was looking or would, only, be available on those women conversations or not even there... no is not about the size of a penis, but about positions, games, ways to enjoy the sexuality, etc... haha there is, always, more about.
Averages: as I mentioned before, I was not looking for penis sizes, neither vaginas but what I got on
Was some information about penises, vaginas, relationships, infidelity, average of sexual dysfunction and the most important information for me, I mite die because I don´t have enough sex
34% of married couple had sex about 2 to 3 times in a week and 7% had sex more than 4 times in a week. Doctors advise couples to have sex at least once a week for women to stay healthy.
I´m not talking about the information on that site, because they just have some averages based on surveys and I really don´t think surveys are something to trust, everybody lies!!
Aahhh... but that information there, somehow, showed I´m right about what I thought about sex frecuency, even when my experience is something like... "nothing for months",
The surprising statistics
Don´t have a real good information about any of the topics they cover there...
the most interstings topics:
Do you need assistance?
Approximately 5 percent of 40-year-old men and between 15 to 25 percent of 65-year-old men experience erectile dysfunction.
I still think a man on his 40´s doesn´t need assistance, but I´m so ignorant about and the poor information I have from my experience and what I have heard is that men on their 40´s don´t need any pills or anything...
Do you reach orgasm every time?
While 75 percent of men always reach orgasm during sex, only 29 percent of women report the same. In addition, most women are unable to climax through vaginal intercourse, instead needing clitoral stimulation.
Then, who needs assistance?? I´m not saying is men´s fault if women don´t reach an orgasm
neither women fault.
To reach an orgasm couples should include more things to that mambo dance!
Woohhoo... I think I finally found some good information or something closer to what I was looking for...
If this article is not talking about what I´m looking for, it still has good information about
How Much Sex is Healthy
Well, Robert Weiss is not really talking about a frecuency, positions, quality, duration but his information is really good, most of all for those who are concern about their changes in sex, what is happening, how to overcome some facts and most of all.. the importance of really having intimacy with your partner and I´m not talking about genital touch!
"The most important thing to remember here is that sex is not the be-all, end-all in relationships. Yes, it is a healthy way for couples to bond emotionally. As such, a regular sex life can be an important contributor to overall health and happiness. That said, non-genital touch, massage, hugs, holding, talking and emotional intimacy are every bit as effective as sex in terms of developing closeness and relationship trust. They just come without any fireworks at the end. As long as both partners in a relationship are open about their feelings and physical needs and both are satisfied with the frequency and quality of their sexuality, the couple can not only survive, but thrive.
Loved it!! Is not what I was looking for but now I know a little better what is the information I want to get!!
Ok, Next...
If this article doesn´t have all the information, at least, it has some good I have to share here...
there's purveyor-of-sex-myths Walt Disney.
ahh... just before I place here what Prosterman said, I Still Believe In Love And As My Dear Ricardo Arjona says "El Afrodisiaco Mas Cumplidor No Son Los Mariscos Si No El Amor" no doubt!!
Ok, keep in mind Sex Fact and Fiction...
I´ll come back with more information about and surely with that average of quality, time and positions a very normal woman should expect!!
Woohhoo... I think I finally found some good information or something closer to what I was looking for...
If this article is not talking about what I´m looking for, it still has good information about
How Much Sex is Healthy
Well, Robert Weiss is not really talking about a frecuency, positions, quality, duration but his information is really good, most of all for those who are concern about their changes in sex, what is happening, how to overcome some facts and most of all.. the importance of really having intimacy with your partner and I´m not talking about genital touch!
"The most important thing to remember here is that sex is not the be-all, end-all in relationships. Yes, it is a healthy way for couples to bond emotionally. As such, a regular sex life can be an important contributor to overall health and happiness. That said, non-genital touch, massage, hugs, holding, talking and emotional intimacy are every bit as effective as sex in terms of developing closeness and relationship trust. They just come without any fireworks at the end. As long as both partners in a relationship are open about their feelings and physical needs and both are satisfied with the frequency and quality of their sexuality, the couple can not only survive, but thrive.
Loved it!! Is not what I was looking for but now I know a little better what is the information I want to get!!
Ok, Next...
If this article doesn´t have all the information, at least, it has some good I have to share here...
there's purveyor-of-sex-myths Walt Disney.
ahh... just before I place here what Prosterman said, I Still Believe In Love And As My Dear Ricardo Arjona says "El Afrodisiaco Mas Cumplidor No Son Los Mariscos Si No El Amor" no doubt!!
"I think Walt Disney creates a lot of mythology," says Seth Prosterman, PhD, a clinical sexologist and licensed marriage and family therapist practicing in San Francisco. "In Disney movies, people fall in love and walk into the sunset, and you get this myth that intimacy is a given once you fall in love, and sexuality is natural and follows that."
In reality, says Prosterman, "Sex is something that we learn throughout a lifetime."
If sexuality is a continuing education, a lot of us are scrambling to make up course credits. And in a realm that's clouded by ego, myth and advertising that preys on anxieties, getting the facts about sex can be difficult. What is the average size of the male penis? How long do most men last during intercourse? Can men have multiple orgasms? Does the G-spot exist, and if so, how do I find it?
Actually that´s true, somehow. movies and tv shows are selling those love stories of a perfect woman with a perfect man (who doesn´t exist) then in real time we just get frustrated.. ok but we are here for S E X ! ! ! And woman or men expectations are a different topic.
Ha... I couldn´t leave this out..
Penis size, the hard fact
The idea that bigger is better is "not just total mythology," says Seth Prosterman, who has counseled couples since 1984 and notes that some of the women he's worked with do prefer a bigger penis -- aesthetically or "fit-wise." But, he adds, "For the vast majority of partners, penis size doesn't matter."
And men do a lot of things, use lotions, bumpers, etc to have a bigger penis... Really??
Why not to get better information about how to give quality, longer sex to a woman instead of a bigger penis that would work, in the best, for a couple of minutes?
sorry,,, experience talking, that´s why I´m investigating!!
I´ll come back with more information about and surely with that average of quality, time and positions a very normal woman should expect!!
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