or a day off
is when my mind dont let me continue busy
even if i still have many things to do,
to think,
to concern about...
since i still have to study,
i have to create arguments of the laws
i have a family...
my mother surgery,
my kids studies and life
and myslf
my illness
my back pain
my eye scratched
my headaches
But you decided to pray against me and I am off on a sick day...
and here i am sick, but with a healthy tonge and hands
to tell you
how i miss you
to write all my feelings for you and then bother you
when i should be busy at work
thinking of you but unable to write what i feel
when i should be busy running to catch a bus and go to the university
unable to even hear a song that remind me of you
hearing all the laws
all the cases before i decided to study logic
pushing back the time because i dont have time enough to sleep
Then pray...
pray for me to be healthy
pray for all my problems to go away
pray because if i dont have time off i wont bother you

I know you love me...
I know you do
but you are loyal
to your self and to the one by your side
and you wont say nothing different than what your positive law says
you must be loyal and care of your slf and of those by your side
but inside of you in your own quiet place when you turn off all the lights
the natura lawl that lives in your heart
whisper to your mind that you would never forget of me
because you know i loved you and wanted you more than nothing else
and all i said
and all i made
i did for you
because of the passion
because of the feelings i have in my heart
and push my hands to write
even when i wont get a response from you
and you like me
in the darkness....
dream and want to believe there is a meaning on the signals
but when the sun rise
when the people ask
when we have to show our faces to the world who saw us suffering and crying for each other
you only
dress yourslf of that positive law that makes you loyal...
me... i believe in my natural law
and keep quiet for now
because i cant cry, or fight when i´m alone in front of the world...
i already cursed myslf and dont need them to curse on me...
I have to do
what they expect
and keep my mind busy
and keep you away of my presence
but one day...
even if its at the end of my life
Ill show all and the world will know
i never loved anybody else but you!!

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