jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Practice living

I wrote this yesterday morning... 2nd of october...
is so terrible to love someone and realize you will never stop 
that you mite find someone but you will never do the things you did for that someone... 

I can imagine you thinking i finally gave up 
im not writing anymore 
and i finally let u go 
as usual because thats what i do the bst 
but no
i didnt stop writing 
or thinking of you
i still do 
if i gave up 
yes i did 
bcz there is no response 
life is not like a switch
if u want light u turn that on
or off 
if u dont 
life is not the  theory of being human
life is the practice of being human
and we make mistakes on 
so... on the theory i try my bst to stop thinking of you 
and do those things i should and must do for my own benefit 
as study 
talk with my partners 
fix my slf 
care of myslf 
thats the theory i try on days like today 
2nd of october btw 
not the day u will receive this words i didnt thnk of yet 
then i behave the way i should... as i can bcz words dont wait 
then all of them comes to my mind and hands to express what i feel 
then i have to not make overtime what would give me 10.000 pesos per hour and decide to write to you 
that wont see my sacrifice and wont respond....
but thats how life is....
you decide, as the theoric part of your life, but the reality is totally different 
math, science, filosophy, laws, 
all studies go chasing the same...
theory is what should be 
reality is what it is!! 
then try to live in between..

a lot of words to tell you 
i love you and im thinking of you
life is too short to love someone and dont let that person know 
for me is better to live, love you and let you know 
if you dont care 
if you dont want 
if you dont believe 
if you dont respond 
if you hate me 
that´s totally up to you
but me...
im making my part 
loving you and letting you know!!


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