today making an exam to my self
and by the latests events in my life
I can tell
I learned sum lessons...
and im glad i did,,,
I´m not saying i´m ready for what comes but
at least I am better to face anything
and im kind totally sure I´ll try my best to don´t hurt people...
Ok what i mean is ...
before i didn´t really care if someone was in need of me
if i didnt want to talk with that person

and walked away.
I got ignored before but i, just, didnt care of that and continued living.
Always said...
there is something better for me out there
and i can find that by the corner...
Never heard real reasons from the people or just didn´t hear reasons.
I never admitted to love someone
With all this...
after I got totally ignored
needed someone like the air to live
I know, now, I´ll look first on the other person feelings and talk
with the truth if I don´t want to continue with that relationship
I promise to try my best to explain what happens and then I´ll walk away...
because if I have a reason, that should be enough for me to leave
Yes I got ignored before,
i cried for a couple of days and after that
as i always say...
the stupidity of thinking i got ugly desappeared
then i continued living...
Now, I think, I´ll try to ask what happened and will try to understand and learn
from there, what is happening with the other person to have such an actitud against me.
no body is perfect and nobody is the exception...
everybody can give a lesson out of simple things the fact is to be open to learn and grow!!

Oh but yes... is still the same thing... after a woman get sick of stupidity and think she is ugly
there is always someone around the corner to tell you how beautifull you are!!
the matter is if you are already healthy
or if you are still sick of stupidity.
Real resons...
Real reasons are the real problem of our minds...
there is always easier for the people to give a lie
diguised with excuses of love or kindness
to be forgiven...
now on,,, i preffer the truth instead of a disguised lie
no matter what...
I preffer the truth!!!
The last part..
Yes,, i never admited to really love someone,

I didn´t like to be laughted on
I was always afraid of what people think
and didn´t want to feel i was less than nobody else
just because i had such a feeling for someone.
now, i know is the best
to realize
how in love you are
and to let the others know that
doesn´t mean
you are a loser
that makes you a winner
because your heart is healthy
because you can admit it to yourself
Love is the best feeling a human can have,
that doesn´t make me weak,
that makes me able to live
to feel
and a real Daughter of God
I still love him
and I´m not afraid to admit that
i can tell ,I am, since
he is ignoring me and that was hurting me bad
now i got used to...
Since i needed him and I still do
Even when he lied on me
and i forgave him
Even when I know there is not only one or two telling me
I´m not ugly
and they could be worth
but I just dream with that smile ...
and the correct one will wait till i´m ready to freely give my love and make a part of his life

I know it has been a good time
I know there is some people waiting for my eyes to look at them
I know there is no hope
but I have to wait untill God take my love
take my words
take my tears
and completely fix my heart
That moment, when all his promises will come true
is coming...
and I´ll smile again!!
Now i look back in my mind and feel
sorry for myself
but one day i´ll look back
and will smile because of the lessons i have learned out of all this
because of him...
God Bless him, his life and everything he does everyday!!
From my heart
God bless him and every single person he have to meet everyday!!
Thank you Lord I know you are with me
and you put everything on my way for me to learn how to love
and how to follow you!!
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