domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

I See Dead People...

I see dead people...
a woman and a man
that couple that one day 
were living for eachother 
or telling to eachother they meant to be together 
working and having life 
enjoying everyday 
as the last 

I see me...
as that woman 
lost in the time 
that woman who wanted to give a dream 
that woman who thot she found 
her happiness for ever 
and invented a blue world 
for his lover 

A man...
a sweet man 
who loved me 
that man who only had smiles and sweet words for me 
that man who cared of me 
the one who was with me even being far 

That woman i was
smiling alone bcz of him 
bcz of his words 
happy bcz he loved me 

that woman who was a girl and a woman in a body 
me... in love with him 
my hands in a caress for him only 
my mind creating another magic moment for him 
my words trying to express my love 

That man he was
the one who showed me the real love 
the one who erased my past 
the one who tried to teach me 
how to smile and laugh without the fear of crying after 
who taught me to enjoy the love
the one who was walking by my side at my own pace 
the one who smiled with me 
and transformed a smile in to passionate kisses
the one i called mine 
the one called me his

the one i love 

that woman he loved 

i see dead people since i cant stop crying for what i want 
and continue looking back trying to find the reason 
why we died 

i see dead people since he is still my life 
even when i know he is totally dead 
and im dead for him 

i see dead people because i love what i was 
and i love him 
even when he changed 
and became a totally different man

i see dead people because everywhere i look 
i hear him 
i see me 
and want all that back

I see dead people and i will see dead people untill 
i decide to continue living 
if  I find the way to stop loving him...


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