viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Since Today...

Just because i dont when i´m going to leave this pathetic situation
of loving someone who doesn´t love me 
or even remind me...
and my question to myslf and God is 
is this fair to be loving someone like that 
for nothing??
i need to stand again 
and start living
i already realized is not easy
is painfull 
is terrible 
but i think, it should not be imposible
because if it is imposible 
then what??
i have to live the rest of my life 
crying and hiding my tears on the rain?
looking down 
not smiling 
and feeling my life is over?
I dont think God want us 
His kids to be that unhappy 
I know my happiness at this moment has a name 
but that name 
dont want anything to do with me 

then if my happiness has a name 
can´t be that changed??

i dont know...
i just know 
i love that someone 
my happiness has his name and his smile 
but my pain is not his pain 
and i want to know 
how ill be in sum months 
then... Ill continue sending those messages to my slf 
and post them when i get them

Let´s see what are the changes here since now!!


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